Friday, July 18, 2008

My Impending Death

It's going to be a helluva weekend, and if the lightning doesn't get me, I'm pretty sure the exercise will.

I'm actually really excited that after five years of living in Madison, I will be competing in my first race, at least since I was on the Monroe Middle School track team. You can keep the damn Iron Man, and the Crazylegs has never had much appeal to me...I try to clear my Mifflin Street Block Party Day of anything that hampers my beer drinking.

And to be honest, I don't enjoy running at all. It's a necessary evil that I should partake of more often, and I do it strictly to offset the sedentary lifestyle of being a radio news anchor.

That's part of the reason I've always wanted to participate in Madison's Paddle and Portage, where most of the action takes place on the lake, in a canoe. Granted, I'm partnered up with a former D3 Steeplechase nationals competitor, and we both want to place in the race, so I'm likely going to be pushed to the brink of death during the overland portion of the race. But if I survive, I'm sure the Paddle and Portage is something I'll be able to look forward to each year.

But here's hoping for some decent weather. Right now, the forecast calls for thunderstorms and this warm, muggy weather we've been swimming in all week.

Look for us out on the lake. We'll be the only canoe flying the Jolly Roger as we paddle our brains out, because we're going to place, damnit, even IF it takes an act of piracy.

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